Tuesday, December 9, 2008


“Buckle up. Hold tight! THE VAST UNKNOWING is like riding the rollercoaster. It will plunge you into despair, exhilarate you, shake you to the depths of your being, terrify you, elate, disturb. And leave you weak-kneed, dizzy and delighted that you saw it through to a safe landing. A ride not to be missed. ... words as weapons, words as balm, sometimes words that puzzle, words that arouse...In her poem, “At the Writer's Retreat”, Shiffrin quotes Anais Nin, “'There are no writer's blocks, only secrets we are afraid of telling.' Nancy Shiffrin isn't afraid. And no one will remain indifferent to the virtuoso power with which she reveals her secrets.”
Ricky Rapoport Friesem, Poetica Magazine: Reflections on Jewish Thought

“Nancy Shiffrin's new book of poetry, THE VAST UNKNOWING, rekindled my fascination with Anais Nin.... Both writers explore personal relationships, the chaos of inner struggle, the beauty of nature, and sense awareness. The section on Fairy Tales calls to mind Nin's fascination with dreams and her continuous probing of the creative spirit...There is a frankness in Shiffrin's work that matches Nin's journals, and a similar autobiographical tone... Karen Kane, Paris by Design.

“September, 2001” (published here as “Lamentation”) touches us by conveying vividly not only the horror of the victims' ordeal but also the humanity of the perpetrators.” Liz Zelvin, AOL Social Work Forum Newsletter

“...the beauty, ugliness, drama, and force of the poems swept me to heights of 'Yes!' and depths of 'Oh no!' as I read each poem, identifying with the images expressed...Each poem (in THE VAST UNKNOWING) reflects the powerful force of words in the hands of the right person. Nancy Shiffrin has that power in her pen.” Susan Andrus www.storycirclebookreviews.org

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