Tuesday, December 9, 2008

NANCY SHIFFRIN'S Biography and Introduction

Welcome Readers to Nancy Shiffrin's Eclectic Reader

I'm a poet, critic, journalist and teacher. I was born in New York and has lived most of my life in Los Angeles. My most recent collection of poems is THE VAST UNKNOWING published by The World Wide Association of Writers, wwaow.com. My work has appeared in the Los Angeles Times, Earth's Daughters, Quill and Parchment, The New York Quarterly, and numerous other periodicals. I earned my M.A. studying with Anais Nin, my Ph.D. studying Jewish American Literature at The Union Institute. Since childhood, I have been an eclectic reader; fairy tales, classic novels, mystery stories, poetry, essays, comic books. I write about books I love and tell why I love them. I invite my readers to do the same. If you want me to review a book, CD or DVD, and conduct a discussion, send the material to POB 1506 Santa Monica, CA 90406.

1 comment:

David Bean said...

Hello Nancy -- welcome to blogging